Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Today in honor of Veteran’s Day, I am going to write on a more serious note. There is nothing in this world that I believe in more then fighting for this country. In my 5 years in the military, I have had it rather easy. I deployed for 4 months to a relatively safe base. However, that being said, I stand ready at a moments notice to pick up the rifle of a fallen Soldier, Airman, Marine, or Sailor, and give my life for this country. Unfortunately, the pain of this war has hit incredibly close with the loss of a friend, “Joker.” Joker was killed in Iraq in 2007. He is, and will always be remembered as an American Hero.

Although I may rip on Democrats, the French, hippies, and any other group of people I don’t agree with, if you are in one of those categories, but you support our troops, or are prepared to stand with this in the fight against evil, then I hold no issue with you. All joking aside, if you are prepared to die for your country, or if you support those that are, then I will shake your hand as a friend any day of the week. On that same note, if you care to spit in the face of those that defend your freedoms, get the fuck out of here. Cancel your subscription and take a hike. I do NOT want a reader who does not support our troops. I don’t care about your political, religious, or socio-economic views, but if you don’t support out troops, then you and I have an issue.

Stepping off my soapbox for a little bit, I would like to thank the people that have met so much to me.

The Wife – You and I have been through so much in 4 years. I do not know how I would have survived everything I have been through without you by my side. Not only are you there for me when I need you most, you are also there for me when I don’t even realize it. Through deployments and business trips, you have held down the fort and have welcomed me home every time with open arms. I know that you understand why I choose to do the things I do, and although you don’t always agree with them, knowing that you support my decisions makes it easier. If every military member had a spouse as amazing as you, deployments would be easier. I love you with all my heart, and from the depths of my soul, I thank you for your support. Without you, I would fail.

Joker – Hey buddy. You are a true American Hero. I will never forget your sacrifice. You have shown me the way to be a better person. You will always be missed and never forgotten.

Moms and Pops – You stood by me when I said I was going to enlist, and through it all, you have supported me as well as any mother and father can. Thank you and Happy Veterans Day.

Joker’s Family – 2 Tall, 2 Toes, and Momma, Such an amazing family. Thank you for your hospitality every time we have come through. Your son and brother was an amazing person. Words can not express how deeply The Wife and I feel for you. If there ever was something to be grateful about after your son’s passing, it is that I got to meet such an amazing family.

Veterans – Without us, this nation would fall. Although I may not have seen “action” like others, I am there with you in spirit and support. All too often, the defenders of freedom are forgotten. This is because we are never appreciated until we are needed. No one knows the sacrifices that are made by veterans every single day, except fellow veterans. From the bottom of my heart, I extend a thank you to everyone who has served either in combat, or without ever seeing action.

With that off my chest, I would like to display some quotes that help us remember the magnitude of this day.

“Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and success of liberty.” – John F. Kennedy

“Hey buddy” – Eric “Joker” Barnes. 7/30/1986 – 6/10/2007

“Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum.” If you want peace, prepare for war.

“It is foolish and wrong to mourn the men who died, rather we should thank God that such men lived.” – George Patton

“On this Memorial Day, we look out on quiet hills, and rows of white headstones – and we know that we are in the presence of greatness.” - George W. Bush

“This nation will remain the land of the free only so long as it is the home of the brave.” – Elmer Davis

Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” – John 15:13

- Bunny

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